What happens to your stuff when you leave game scum
What happens to your stuff when you leave game scum

what happens to your stuff when you leave game scum what happens to your stuff when you leave game scum

Keep the conversation friendly but a bit cold and factual, so the salesperson doesn’t get the upper hand from the start. Maintain your guard and stick to the business of the vehicle, its features and what you are looking for. “Hey, we now have common ground, and I’m just your buddy who is simply looking out for your best interests.” Yeah, right. This tactic is fairly easy to recognize, and it is a clever way to get you to lower your guard. While it is practical for a salesperson to ask a few leading questions about what you are looking for in a new vehicle to make recommendations, watch out for a salesperson who attempts to pigeonhole you into a stereotype by asking personal questions.

what happens to your stuff when you leave game scum

The salesperson will assess a potential buyer in a matter of seconds and tailor their approach to cater to what they perceive the customer likes regarding topics of conversation. (Photo by iStock) The Scumbag Psychological Gameįirst, know that automotive sales is a psychological game played to get the upper hand and to potentially intimidate the customer. Therefore, given this reality for the consumer, let’s examine some of the notable tricks of the trade with an eye toward helping you watch your wallet while you shop for a new or used vehicle. There seemed to be no loyalty at all to anything or anyone at my dealership, and it showed as I watched salespeople dealing with customers and among themselves.” Likewise, idle salespeople get fired pretty quickly. They take each other’s contacts and leads, and the commissions are intoxicating since the more you sell, the more you make. “The dealership business model creates an atmosphere of competition among beginning salespeople. “It’s not their fault,” said one recently retired car salesman I interviewed. The “bad apples” in this industry, however, seem to stand out due to the high pressure to produce and to close deals at any cost. The good ones want referrals, and they certainly want you to come back and buy from them again.

what happens to your stuff when you leave game scum

They have families, go to church and actually have friends. Now, of course, there are honest salespeople out there in the industry trying to make a decent living who are genuinely looking out for the best interests of their customers.

What happens to your stuff when you leave game scum